TenFest 2022: Out in the Open

August 18, 2022 - August 21, 2022

Produced by The Vermont Playwrights Circle & The Valley Players @ The Valley Players Theater

4254 Main Street, Waitsfield, VT, United States

Behind the scenes

Elizabeth Van Hazel (Playwright: Birdbrains), Tegan Garon (Playwright: Family Business), Jack Rushton (Playwright: Holland Park), Mary Beth McNulty (Playwright: Making Babies), Patrick Cornacchio (Playwright: One Awful Day), Dvora Zipkin (Playwright: The Cat Lady), Ry Poulin (Playwright: The Dancing Queens), James McLindon (Playwright: The First Anti-Vaxxers), margot lasher (Playwright: The trees and deception), & Adam Boothe (Playwright: You on the Other Side)


Now in its 15th year, the 2022 TenFest theme is 'Out in the Open' and all of the ten 10-minute plays by local playwrights are set in a park. Interpretations of the theme and the setting were up to the playwrights.

Join us this August in the comfort of the air conditioned Valley Players Theater for another festival of wonderful plays!

The Plays:

Birdbrains by Elizabeth Van Hazel, directed by Dvora Zipkin

Family Business by Tegan Garon, directed by F.Brett Cox

Holland Park by Jack Rushton, directed by Ruth Ann Pattee

Making Babies by Mary Beth McNulty, directed by Doug Bergstein

One Awful Day in Krampusburg by Patrick Cornacchio, directed by Paul Cavaliere

The Cat Lady by Dvora Zipkin. directed by Ruth Ann Pattee

The Dancing Queens by Ryan Poulin, directed by Dvora Zipkin

The First Anti-Vaxxers by James McLindon, directed by Jeanne Beckwith

The trees and deception by Margot Lasher, directed by Paul Cavaliere

You on the Other Side by Adam Booth, directed by Kohl Comtesse


TICKETS are $14 / $12 for students & seniors

TO RESERVE Call 802-583-1674 or email vtplaywrightscircle@gmail.com

Tell us your full name, date of show, number and types of tickets,

which can be paid by cash or check (made out to VPC) at the door.


We are asking all audience to wear a mask

in the theater at all times for everyone’s safety. Vaccinations recommended, but not checked.

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Off Stage

Mary Beth McNulty

Playwright: Making Babies

Ry Poulin

Playwright: The Dancing Queens

margot lasher

Playwright: The trees and d...

Elizabeth Van Hazel

Playwright: Birdbrains

Tegan Garon

Playwright: Family Business

Jack Rushton

Playwright: Holland Park


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29:59 remaining