Behind the scenes
James Still (Writer), Suzanne Kneller (Costume Design), Jess Wilson (Sound Engineering), Sue Wade (Props Master), & John Hughes (Stage Manager)
Jen Berger, Dara Pohl Feldman, Quinn Post Rol, & Andrew Ritter
And Then They Came For Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank is a multimedia reading performance, combining videotaped interviews with Holocaust survivors Ed Silverberg and Eva Schloss with live actors recreating scenes from their lives during World War II.
Ed was Anne Frank's first boyfriend, and she wrote about him in the beginning of her now-famous diary. Eva Schloss was the same age as Anne Frank and lived in the same apartment building in Amsterdam. Her family went into hiding the same day as the Frank family. And like the Frank family, they were betrayed. On Eva's 15th birthday, her family was arrested by the Nazis and sent to concentration camps. Eva and her mother survived, and after the war her mother married Otto Frank (Anne's father).
Part oral history, part dramatic action, part direct address, part remembrance, And Then They Came for Me is like a historic newsreel brought to life. Reading performance includes a talkback about rising anti-semitism led by Rabbi Edleson. Produced in partnership with the Halt Hate Campaign.
And Then They Came for Me is appropriate for ages 13 & up. Running Time: 90 minutes with no intermission. Plus, an optional 30 minute talkback after the performance.
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On Stage
Heinz/Ed's Father/Hitler Youth
Young Ed/Pappy
Young Eva/Ed's Mother
Stage Directions
Off Stage
Costume Design
Sound Engineering
Props Master
Stage Manager
Asst. Stage Manager
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