Behind the scenes
Perry Allison (Producer, Director), Noor Taher (Producer), Samantha Davidson Green (Director), Jenn Langhus (Director), Richard Waterhouse (Director), Michelle Carlson (Choreographer), Julie Frew (Choreographer), & Matt McGrath (Music Director)
Performance Type
Musical Theater
We the People Theatre is thrilled to be returning to the stage this fall with All Together Now, a celebration of local theatre. Created by Music Theatre International, this review features some of the most well-known and beloved songs in the musical theatre canon. We have a large cast of local performers who will joyously come together to create magic and celebrate being together on stage, with an audience. This review is being presented at theatres around the world on the same weekend in November. Performance dates will be November 12-14 at the Briggs Opera House. Watch this space for details on tickets.
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