Behind the scenes
Mary Beth McNulty (Playwright), Erica Furgiuele (Playwright), Lesley Becker (Playwright, Director), Shoshannah Boray (Playwright), Pamela Formica (Playwright), Geeda Searfoorce (Playwright), Jaden Rogers (Festival Director), Wendi Stein (Festival Director), & Ruth Ann Pattee (Festival Director)
Performance Type
Vermont Actors’ Repertory Theatre presents a virtual short play festival via Zoom on Friday, September 11 at 7pm, Saturday, September 12, at 7 pm, and Sunday, September 13 at 2 pm. The festival is free of charge and open to the public. Talk backs with playwrights, performers and directors will follow the Saturday and Sunday performances. The Friday performance is our full dress rehearsal.
The festival theme is “A new fabric for our American quilt” and features pieces from Vermont playwrights to include: Jeanne Beckwith, MaryBeth McNulty, Pamela Formica, Marisa Valent, and Erica Furgiuele. Their work is fresh and timely in many cases being performed for the first time here. The festival coordinator is Alex Nicosia and the September festival is directed by Jaden Rogers and Wendi Stein and stage managed by Ruth Ann Pattee. This festival showcases the talent of over 20 actors to include locals and performers from across the state. We have planned two more virtual short play festivals for November 13-15 and February 5-7. Zoom links will be available through our facebook page (Vermont Actor’s Repertory Theatre), our website www.actorsrepvt.org, or by emailing actorsrepvt.org@gmail.com. We hope you can join us
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