Behind the scenes
Bette Carlson Siler (Playwright "Easy on the Coffee"), Andrew Barnaby (Playwright "Hamlet, the Lost Final Scene"), Dvora Zipkin (Playwright "Home Sweet Home"), Susan K. Bauchner (Playwright "Something Like"), Jeff Casey (Playwright "Not With a Bang"), Jeanne Beckwith (Playwright "The Suppliants"), Henry Sheeran (Playwright "Tech Shift"), Colleen Curran (Playwright "The Sunset Gals"), Jack Rushton (Playwright "George's Radio"), & Patrick Cornacchio (Playwright "Genie in a Teapot")
Performance Type
A festival of ten, ten-minute plays by ten Vermont playwrights, FantasyFest features the theme of “plays of the fantastic.” Now in its 12th year, this TenFest continues to be hosted by the Valley Players in Waitsfield and to be performed as part of the Vermont Festival of the Arts, but this year the Grange Hall Cultural Center in Waterbury Center joins us as our second weekend sponsor.
Plays and authors are as follows:
Easy on the Coffee by Bette Carlson Siler
Hamlet, the Lost Final Scene by Andrew Barnaby
Home Sweet Home by Dvora Zipkin
Something Like by Susan Bauchner
Not with a Bang by Jeffrey Casey
The Suppliants by Jeanne Beckwith
Tech Shift by Henry Sherran
The Sunset Gals by Colleen Curran
George’s Radio by Jack Rushton
Genie in a Teapot by Patrick Cornacchio
For questions or more info, email: VTPlaywrightsCircle@gmail.com Or contact Vince Broderick, Artistic Director – 802-249-2632 or Kim Ward, Producer – 802-229-0112
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Off Stage
Playwright "Not With a Bang"
Playwright "The Suppliants"
Playwright "Tech Shift"
Playwright "Easy on the Cof...
Playwright "Hamlet, the Los...
Playwright "Home Sweet Home"
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