Nathan Biggs-Penton



Nathan grew up in the woods in a house built and designed by his parents. Climbing to the top of the highest trees, flying down the hills following the deer, and sliding across the frozen ponds gave him the feeling that anything is possible. Questioning the limits and where this anything could bring him. In 2013 Nathan dove head first into the world of physical expression; dance, manipulation, acrobatics, clowning and more. Circus Smirkus, The Stockholm University of Dance and Circus, and the Quebec Circus School were his starting blocks to push off into a never ending journey to expand the capabilities of his mind and body; a shaky, heart wrenching, ever changing journey made possible by the steadfast trust in the circus family around the world. The house his parents built inspired him to build his own. This house is not fixed to the ground but rather grounded by the love and trust of the community, allowing Nathan to jump into the world open hearted and ready to explore.

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