Heather Masteron Lemmons



Heather Masterton Lemmons (Lucinda): Acting and singing along with Judy Garland records since my earliest years, my goal was to do anything onstage.  I even remember my first acting role - as a good speller, I was elected to play the Dictionary in the school play at Forest Dale school! Following college here in Vermont, armed with a degree in Fine Arts, I found a place in improvisation theatre in Boston. Later tried my luck as an actor in New York, and summer stock at the Berkshire Theatre Festival in Stockbridge - - which led to a successful career - - in banking! Moving to Rochester in 1989, I found my childhood passion again in plays and musicals with the Players, (My Fair Lady, Into the Woods, Midsummer Night's Dream) and singing with Dorothy in the choir.  Just returned to Vermont again, thrilled to be back in the music community and singing with all my peeps!  You'll hear my husband Fred, on clarinets and saxes, in the orchestra.

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